जिसके सिर पर पड़ती है, वही जानता है। wearer best knows where the shoe pinches. IDM
मोज का घाव , मियॉं जाने या पॉंव । the foot or the owner of the foot knows whre the shoes rubs. IDM
लतों का देव बातों से नहीं मानता। a devil only fit for kicks , won't head words. IDM
जईसन माई,ओईसन जाई। like mother ' like children. IDM/ like tree, like fruit. IDM/as the mine , so the soil. IDM
घर में महुआ की रोटी , बाहर लम्बी घोती। great boast, little roast/ great cry, little wool. IDM
एक टका के चटाई, नव टका बिदाई। the mat worth a rupee, and nine rupees for transport. IDM
दाता दे, कंजुस झुर-झुर मरे। the liberal man gives and the miser grives. IDM
हाथी का पेट पिराय, गदहा दागा जाय। the elephant suffers from stomach - ache, and the donkey is branded. IDM
दूध का जला छाछ फॅूंक - फूँक कर पीता है। once bitten , twice shy. IDM
सॉंप का काटा रस्सी से डरता है। stung by snake , he dreads a rope. IDM
दूर के ढोल सुहावने । drums at a distance sound well. IDM/hills are green far away. IDM
आन के धन पर चोर राजा। a thief becomes a king at other 's cost. IDM/the wholesomest meat is at another man's cost. IDM
अन बिर्तक बिरत घमलोर बजाई। the irregular priest makes a loud noise. IDM
नाच न जाने, ऑंगन टेढ़ा। a bad woekmen quarrels with his tools. IDM
ऊँची दूकान , फीका पकवान। a lofty shop, and bad food. IDM
नाम बड़े , दर्शन खोटे। a fine shoes often hurts the foot. IDM
तीन पाव भीतर तो देवता और पीतर । an empty belly hears no body . IDM
खाते - पीते जग मिले, औसर मिले न कोय। prosperity gets followers, but adversity distinguishes them. IDM
जबले पैसा गॉंठ में तबले यार हजार। where wealth, there friends. IDM
बंदर क्या जाने अदरक का स्वाद। what does a monkey know of the flavour of ginger ?/a pebble and diamond are alike to a blind man. IDM
बगल में बच्चा, गॉव में ढंढोरा। the butcher looked for his knife when he had it in his mouth. IDM
खोदा पहाड़, निकला चूहा । dug a mountain , and brought forth a mouse . IDM
दिन भर चले अढ़ाई कोस । travelled all day long covering only two and half miles. IDM
घोड़े घोड़े लड़े, मोची का जीन टूटे । the poor do penance for the follies of the great. IDM
हाथी - हाथी लड़ै, बीच में झाड़रो खो। when two elephants fight they destroy the tree between them. IDM
मछली के पथार बिलाई रखवार। a cat set to protect the basket of fish. IDM
खाली दिमाग शैतान का घर । an idle brain is devil,s workshop. IDM
जाके राखे साइयॉं मार सके न कोई । if god be with us , who can be against us. IDM
हाथी चले बजार, कुत्ते भोंके हजार। the moon does not heed the barking dogs. IDM
मियॉं नाक काटने को फिरे , बीवी कहे नथ गढ़ा दो। the husband comes to cut off her nose , and the wife says, ' buy me a nose -ring. IDM'
भेड़ की लात घुटनों तक । a sheep can kick as far as the knee, and no further. IDM
मुल्ला की दौड़ मस्जीद तक। the mullah 's run is only as far as the mosque. IDM
ऊपर मीठ भीतर तीत। sweet on the surface , but bitter inside. IDM
मुँह में राम , बगल में छुरी। a dagger in his sleeves , and 'ram' in his mouth. IDM /god on his tongue, and a knife under his arm. IDM/ god in his tongue, and devil in his heart. IDM
जरूरत के वक्त गधे को बाप बना लेते हैं। need makes the naked man run. IDM
वक्त पड़े बॉंका, तो गधे को हे काका। necessity has no law . IDM
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